Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Make Our Students Think

We attended the APERA Conference on last Friday. There was a group of teachers from Marsiling Secondary School to do their paper presentation on the use of Knowledge Forum (KF) in the teaching of D&T.

One point which the speaker mentioned in this presentation got my attention. He emphasized the importance of thinking process in the students' learning. And we should prompt the students to think, let the thinking process take place...

This made me think...

Do we give our students enough time to think, or we just pop up the answers by our own?

Do we create an effective learning environment to make our students think?

Do we deliberately to create the suitable moments to let the thinking process take place?

I doubt it...

It seems that we just do not have enough time to spare for thinking...

But teaching thinking is all the education about...

Psychologist John Dewey ever said: "All which the school can or need do for pupils, so far as their minds are concerned... is to develop their ability to think."

Robert Fisher pointed out: "The quality of our lives and of our learning depends on the quality of our thinking..."

Classroom research also finds out that students are better motivated and more engaged in classes they find intellectually stimulating. They like those teachers who make them think...

Do you want to be an effective teacher?

So please make our students think...

1 comment:

小盐 said...

I'm surprise to see the comment U left. ah~Thanks a lot~ It's hardly to figure out what the hell I'm thinking about.Maybe I just can't accept the fact he doesn't love me at all. I feel honored about your advice. I don't konw how to leave U a message, so I have to say sth. here. Thank you very much!!